Hi all!
I have recently decided to make some changes on my Substack. What you may have noticed is that the very name of the site has changed. Here’s why.
When I was first diagnosed, I adopted an aggressive attitude toward the cancer – like I was going into this big huge fight and would be scrapping it out with this internal enemy until it was completely and utterly obliterated. For a while, that’s exactly what I did. “Adam Strikes Back” felt like the right name for a website chronicling my fight. But fairly quickly, I realized that my “striking back” was more mental than anything. Physically, I was in this for the long haul…think marathon, not sprint. “Strikes Back” hardly felt appropriate anymore. Then I started using my page to write about things tangentially related to cancer and that slow, plodding fight. Writing was (and always has been) my attack, but even more than that it’s a therapeutic release.
I’ve been unhappy with the name for some time, but had no idea what to call it. Then I noticed this portion of Substack that I hadn’t used before - an audio/podcast option. I thought at first that it was my writings transcribed (haha) but no…it’s literally a place to upload a podcast. I’ve been podcast-averse for some time now so I wasn’t very interested in it, but now I realize that there are things I would like to verbalize rather than write. I would like to express myself via audio about a range of topics, whatever they may be or whenever they may materialize. So I decided to create an audio portion of my Substack called “Adam Talks Back.”
That triggered a thought: I’m not so much “striking” as I am “writing.” I changed the name to “Adam Writes Back” officially this morning. The name feels more accurate to what I’m doing. The things that life tosses at me are not always in my control, I have learned that much this year, and sometimes all I can do is use my words to express the change I’d like to see and create. So yeah. “Adam Writes Back” it is.
So stay tuned, I will be doing more on this site as time goes on. I have written an update on my health that I will publish in the next few days when I get a free minute to edit and tweak, and I hope to record something for the audio portion as well fairly soon. As always, thanks for reading!
I look forward to your future podcasts!