Hi gang.
Elephant in the room: my scans are on October 16. I will go in early that Monday morning and have an oh-so-fun CT scan performed, then wait a few days to meet with my oncologist. It’s right around the corner, and yes, I’m thinking about it a lot.
But that’s not what I wanted to write about. I wanted to discuss writing a screenplay.
No, I’m not delusional…I realize I’m:
a.) not a screenwriter
b.) not trained for this
c.) don't have a particularly great idea for a screenplay
But the class I’m taking requires me to write a screenplay and then film it. I wrote up a draft which was totally fine, and after Katie helped me come up with a fun idea, was not super tough to do. But turning that into a screenplay is HARD.
There’s software to help do it correctly. My professor wants it formatted in a particular way. It’s due tomorrow. I suppose I could look at it as a fun challenge to distract me. I just hope it comes out okay.
Related, I had to create some very short films for this class already. Since I’m feeling generous, here are three of them for your viewing pleasure(?). They don’t really make a ton of sense but they’re silly little things to help me learn how to record and edit…I guess!
As always, thank you for reading and all of your support. I will be chiming in here and there with updates as the weeks pass.
Much love,